21 August 2009

Microsoft Internet Explorer - Complete turn off

All along i am not a fan of microsoft internet explorer.And probably never be.

Due to the browser hijacking and stuff, my preferred choice of has always been firefox and recently google chrome. Always for some reasons, IE will SUDDENLY die off while FF and chrome and working PERFECTLY fine.

And spending time to find solutions online yield no results. Hence, i have up on IE a long time ago.

And all the while, my Pc has only the basic version of internet explorer which was IE6 and i installed all updates, except for, you know it, microsoft IE. Recently i have no choice but to use IE, as i notice that some of my websites which have been display issues with IE.

And for the sites that have display issues, they are showing again, PERFECTLY fine in Firefox and chrome. Changing alignment for the sites do not help as the display and alignment issues are still present.

The last straw came today. When again, IE died on me, when i refuse an upgrade to IE7. I was able to surf the net to check on one of my sites using IE6, however, after refusing an upgrade to IE7, the browser refuse to work after i restart it.

If not for the fact that i am in desperate needs to adjust my screen alignment for IE browsers, i will not even bother about that.

With such poor support and buggy browser, no wonder they need constant upgrades and patches!

To download Firefox, go to firefox.com
To donload Chrome, go to google.com/chrome

Updates: Finally all is working after a reluctant update. And seems that the new IE8 solved all previous screen alignment issues and bugs!

Good job microsoft?

1 comment:

  1. If you are using another browser and don't use Internet Explorer anymore, there's a case to be made that you should remove it from your system. It is, after all, a potential security threat so, if you don't need it, why not get rid of it?

    Except, getting rid of IE is not that easy. In fact, with later versions of Windows there's no satisfactory way of removing it completely without risking crippling Windows itself.


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