What is RSS Feeds.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary"
Do not understand? In laymen terms, this means with for blogs with RSS feeds, you, the subscriber, will be "feed" when the blog post a new post. The new post will be "sent" to you thru a reader and you do not have to visit the blog for new posts.
When you click on the Posts, the following appear, above appear. If you are using any reader, choose the reader, if not for our case, we choose "Add to google"
A New window should appear and you will be at this page, Select "Add to Google Homepage on the left"
A new page called iGoogle will appear, which is your customized google page
to access, go to www.google.com/ig, and the above page will appear if everything is done accordingly.
Thus everytime i post a new post, it will be updated automatically in your google web homepage.
To access the page, go to www.google.com/ig
Easy? Subscribe to me now!
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