16 June 2009

MSN Email Search - Thumbs down

Disappointing, that the word i will use regarding the search service above.

Well, MSN had recently upgrade their search service and i thought the search result should have greatly improved. and i was wrong!

I am going overseas to Taipei next week and wanted to confirm the trip details. As i book with zuji, and they have sent me confirmation email, Naturally i will use the keyword "zuji" (without quotes) to search for my mail in hotmail, and anything with zuji will appear. that natural human thinking right?

Well, apparently not for the msn email search engineers! for the word "zuji", they retrieve 2 mails from my mail box, which are not the ones that i want. Instead when i key in "customer" (as i remembered that their email address had a 'customer' word) the mail i wanted was retrieved.

i opened and mail and either i was saw the wrong word or MSN search engine should be condemned, the title was

"Your ZUJI ID Xxxxxxxxxx from ZUJI Singapore" (Yes ZUJI was in CAPS)

Amazing, how a search engine will miss searching the title. Microsoft, if you are reading this, continue to concentrate on producing windows software and fight piracy, that is your strength and concentrate on it.

Leave the search engine to google and yahoo. okay? (=


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