Saw this phrase on my friend's msn and recall the show, V for vendetta. Watched it long ago in an extremely cold cinema.
Yes, it was freezing cold, and me and my friend were having chattering teeth while watch the show.
So what is the fifth of november? Well, it is Guy Fawkes Night.
It is a day in 1605, where a bunch of people, guy fawkes included, attempted to destroy the house of parliament in britian. And luckily the plot failed.
And it is a cause for celebration due to the failure!
Nowadays, bonfires are held on guy fawkes day. For some countries, they even play with fireworks~ Too back it is banned in singapore, and no one celebrates this day anyway.
I heard of friends who ask me to go out for drinking on birthdays, new year eve, christmas, hari raya, national day, but none on guy fawkes day.
Anyways, to those celebrating and enjoying, happy guy fawking Night!
We don't celebrate Guy Fawkes day here in America either, but I loved the movie and comic book V for Vendetta. Not to mention in the tate of New Jersey where I live fireworks are also banned.