19 October 2009

Testing - Failing and Falling before Success

baby falling downWe, when young, before we learn to walk, crawled. And along the way from the transition to walking, we failed to walk and we fall~ And as babies, or small little adorable kids, we are allowed to fail.

We test and trial various methods to get ourselves standing up on our 2 feet and walk.Through falling down, we learn the proper and shortest way to stand up and venture to the next stage, which is walking.

In our adult years, seems like many of us lose the courage to try, hence losing our babypreneurship and the appetite to take fall and take risk in order to move on to the next stage.

Most of the people i seen,heard and saw, preferred to remain (un)happily in the current state.

Human are lazy, that a definite truth. It's the final goal and results which we desired that propelled us forward. But at the same time, something called, hesitation and preparation stopped us.

We tend to want to have everything planned so nicely that it has to be perfect before we take out and risk venturing out. But would it be too late?

Or we need to see other people success at the same thing, before we want to try, but, as mentioned above, is it too late?

For me, it does not matter how many times, you fail. All you need is simply a single successful shot to hit your goal and there is where you know you have succeed!

And its a numbers game for success. Well , if you tried once, you only have a single chance at success However, if you tried 1000 times, you have 1000 times to hit your aim.

Or am i just the odd ball out in the crowd that does and thinks things differently from the rest?

What about u?


  1. Spot on Bro!!! Well said, totally agree with you...if we don't take risk, we will never know our limitations. But risk always comes with a hefty price ! Be it good or bad !

    If you plan on getting rich by robbing a bank, well that I must say is a stupid risk to take...but then if you have an idea for a successful business & need to quit your current high salary job to be able to do it then that is what I call calculated risk worth looking into.

    Dreams are made to be broken !!! But desire to succeed are made to be fullfill !!!

  2. You will need to fail before you has succeed, If you have succeed without failing, you will fail in your success!

  3. I totally agree with and surely a lot of people had been helped by this post. Falling is part of the game, the important is how will you stand up again.


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