27 October 2009

Spoilt Brats - Such a Pain in the Ass

Are the children of our generation getting spoilt?

Are they trained to in such a way to whine and argue just to get what they want? Expecting every single thing to follow their wishes.

Acting like an angel in front of others, and a devil with u.

I came across a case where an elder brother and younger sister argue for almost nothing.

Basically the elder brother is not working, while the younger sister is working at an MNC earning more than what the older brother use to earn.

Lets call them Bro and Sis for easier reference

And 1 fine day, Bro decided to get a phone for his mum as her phone was getting faulty. And he took him a proud phone. Everyone was happy except for sis,

Why? Because, the brother is the good guy! The sister starts to comment on the various bad point of the phone. And the funny part comes, the sister says "i gonna buy mum a diamond ring"

When i heard that part from my friend, i choke from laughing as i know what kind of person the sis is too.

Another incident, when the sister is with outsiders, she call home just to ask if anything is needed to purchase back home. while with family members, she will just, "don't you have any limbs? Why don'y you go and buy. I work the entire day. i am tired after working in a BIG company"

She should be waiting for no one, yet everybody wait for her, you are late for 1 minute and you get fucked. she is late for 5 minutes and, no apologies from her. As though we are her servants.

More of this chronicles if i have the time!

FYI, the elder brother is 25 and the (younger?) sister is 22yrs old

1 comment:

  1. It all boils down to individual up bringing !!!

    Parents nowadays have a mindset that, their kids are too young to be scolded...yet when they are old enough, it seems that it's too late to correct them.

    What I don't understand is, when it comes to learning how to read or riding a bike for that matter, it's never too early to learn...but when it comes to respect & manners towards others...it becomes a double standard !!!

    Ultimately, parents are to be blame !!! & influences by outsiders example friends are just an excuse for an already spoilt brat !!!


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