26 August 2009

A Tibute to My BenQ LCD Monitor

Benq fp767-12 17 inch lcd monitor

Finally, after using for more than 3 years, it died off. Screen was blank and power to the benq monitor were intermittent.

This was not a first hand monitor that i purchased, it was a display unit and hence the cheap price of S$200. I purchased it thru a special offer which my friend Jerald offered me while i was working with him.

A Benq fp767-12 17" LCD monitor for S$200! $200 for a 17" monitor is still steep now in late 2009. But in late 2005 and early 2006, $200 for a 17" monitor was a steal! Back then, even a budget 17" monitor costs S$400+

Gonna miss using dual screen~ I still not used to using a single monitor. As usually i open a lot of windows and prefer looking at both monitors while doing work.

It's amazing how the things manufactured back in the past last so long, while electronic items manufactured now spoils just after the warranty period ends.

I could still remember how durable my first nokia phone was (nokia 3310). As compared to the samsung phone i have now (samsung omnia one 16Gb). ~_~

Good bye, you have been an excellent and useful 17" LCD monitor.


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