03 June 2009

Fruits for Aeroplane fuel


Using fruits and food for fuel to power car? OLD NEWS

now the new news is using fruits oil to power up aeroplanes. Yes, the gigantic piece of metal that demands pure and high grade aeroplane fuel in other to fly.

Now they are able to be powered up by the dirty fruity oil extracts from fruits!

Cheaper aeroplane flights for us in the future? Maybe yes, if you are travelling long distance. But for a short while. Why? If fruits were to be used for aeroplane fuel, the price of fruits will increase sooner or later due to the high "research" fees poured into refining the process into higher grade oil!

The precious land used to grow food will instead be used to grow the fruits, which will lead to an even more sever case of famine around the world~ and the worldwide raising price of food~

Good news? if i am an hardcore environmentalist, maybe yes, due to lesser carbon monoxide produced while flying, else its only bad news~ raising food prices!


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