21 May 2009

Swine Flu updates 20 May 09

Swine flu seems resurrect on its own again. After a cooldown period in early may, complacency seeps in and swine flu is spreading again. This time, happily taking holiday flights even to Tokyo.

Scientists have found that swine flu does not have much difference with the common flu virus and the way to kill them are similar. However why people still afraid of this virus and taking such significant notice?

Probably, this is something new? Ya agree, its a new virus. So? I believe scientists discover new virus everyday too.

Probably, this flu is in the media and is spreading around the world and killing people. The death rate for each infected case is estimated at 1% as by wikipedia, (Click here for Wiki) Common flu with vaccines available kills about 500,000 people a year, yes 500k, no typos.

With Singapore being a tourism country and globalisation nation, i believe that its only a matter of time before it reaches our shores. Even our neighbour Malaysia had 2 cases of swine flu, however, the infected are being treated and are in stable conditions.
And yes, i believe the efficiency of our Health board and government will prevent it from spreading in Singapore.

As long as we are vigilant and alert, this swine flu virus will be tamed and kept at bay.


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