1) Wear a mask
The very basic protection and prevention method for flu. Wearing a mask prevents you from spreading the flu and contacting it from contact with your mouth and nose and even eyes.
2) Wash your hands and surroundings
No matter the situation, we will unconsciously touch our head and the flu virus are able to enter our body thru our eyes, nose and mouth. And we will be in constant contact with our surrounding, thus it is essential that our hands are always kept clean to prevent the flu virus. If you are staying home, ensure that your home is cleaned regularly and is ventilated.
3) Drink Water
Ensure that you are not dehydrated! Water are able to flush toxic out of our body and keep our bodies in optimal condition to fight and prevent us from getting flu.
4) Rest at home if unwell
No point going out if you are unwell. You will be more vulnerable to various disease, not just swine flu or any other flu.
Hope this 4 simple tips will keep you healthy and assist in flu prevention for you
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