20 April 2009

Maid in Singapore

Its pretty common in Singapore to have a maid to assist with household chores. And a maid, being a servant, is supposed to listen to their owner's instructions and carry their duties accordingly. However, they should not be opened to excessive scoldings or abuse.

On a bus trip on Sunday, i overheard a family scolding their maid and raising their voice at her for not having much initiative.  things which should be done on her own, example : looking after the kids, ensuring they behave well, take note of grocery petty cash and inform them when she is low on cash. 

Well, talking and reprimanding the maid is easy, however, what will happen if
- the maid might grew up in an environment where she was physically punished or verbally abused whenever she does wrongs by her parents, then she might have implement the same steps to the children, which will result in her being scolded by her owners for scolding/hitting their kids!

- Usually, petty cash are small amount of money kept by the maid. they are usually depleted at a fast rate by buying household products such as , food, toiletries, household products. And usually, they will not allow the maid to keep a big sum of petty cash, thus the maid will have to constantly ask for money, which the owners might be wondering where the money goes to, and result in them not trusting each other.

As on today's new paper, the "trust" in relationship between maid and their employers seems to be dropping , the employers will install CCTVs and spy cam at home, while maids who are subjected to frequent abuse and scoldings often spits into food, add "extra" ingredients into food, vent their frustrations on little infants, etc.

In a way, i will say that the employers deserved such treatments from the maid. Why? 
I believe in something called karma, and every action will lead to a certain consequence. A maid is a human, whom wants to work peacefully and remits money back home. Who will want to court trouble when they are alone overseas?  Am i correct?
Some of the maid employers will have the superiority feeling and starts to treat her (usually her) as an inferior race which leads to such actions.

If the employers treat the maid right, none of this should have happened. Thus i conclude its the action of the employer that caused all this to be done. 

Treat someone the way you wanted to be treated and all will be well. Make sense?


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